OpenNet expands – establishes company in Germany

27/06, 2024

The strategy has become a reality, and OpenNet opens its first company abroad

Last year, OpenNet announced that the company was focusing on an international venture. In continuation of this, it was announced in January this year that a group of German network owners had chosen OpenNet as a platform to open the fibre networks. Six months later, OpenNet announces that it is ready to establish its first company abroad, OpenNet Germany, which will make it easier for German network owners to open their networks and enter into many-to-many relationships with service providers –in the same efficient way as in Denmark.

The German company will be located in Neumünster in Schleswig-Holstein and will have its initial focus on the North German market, where there is a great potential for better utilisation of fibre networks. CEO of OpenNet, Henrik Møller Nielsen, elaborates:

"In the German market, there is a great demand for open access – that is; a marketplace where fibre network owners and service providers can enter into many-to-many relationships. OpenNet's established business model enables just that marketplace and the benefits are exactly as we know them from our operations Denmark: network owners get a better utilization rate of their network, service providers reach more households, and end customers get more choices on their fibre connection. “So, it is more than just a good idea coming from Denmark."

The new local organisation will be run by German colleagues
There has been a lot of progress since OpenNet last year announced that they would go international. The person responsible for the project is International Business Director at OpenNet, Kristian Olaf Plet Freiesleben. He says that a local office will ensure the necessary presence in the market and is run by German colleagues in close collaboration with the Danish organization:

"When it comes to having the broad network in the German telecommunications industry, knowing local processes and the language to its fullest, it is necessary that we settle physically in Germany. Therefore, we are already in the process of finding our new German colleagues, whom of course will be well trained."

Henrik Møller Nielsen adds that OpenNet's business model is compatible with the German market, and that the OpenNet Germany business is based on the same IT platform, products, processes, and principles as in Denmark: neutrality and non-discrimination.

"Everyone follows the same set of standardized rules of the game, just as we know it in Denmark."

Next stop: Germany
Kristian Olaf Plet Freiesleben has ever since 2022 focused on putting OpenNet on the map outside Denmark. He explains that the process can be compared to a start-up company's journey:

"Although OpenNet Germany is building on our existing foundation, it has been cold canvas to get to where we are today. But that's exactly what's really motivating and exciting."

Henrik Møller Nielsen adds in conclusion:

"Our vision is to create connections without borders. This also involves national borders. Next stop is Germany – and we will continue the journey."

OpenNet expects to open the new local office in Neumünster during the autumn, while the first German network owner is expected to be operational in the first half of 2025.

We help fibre network owners and providers of IP-based services in Denmark to cooperate. We have been doing this since autumn 2017.

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